Health and safety policy
This policy has been prepared to define the way Babec Ecological Consultants intends to ensure, so far as reasonably possible, it meets the requirements of its statutory responsibilities, in particular its obligations under section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
All employees undertaking work on behalf of the Company will adhere to this health and safety policy.
Hazards will be identified and the risk of injury, disease or dangerous occurrence will be minimised through achieving and maintaining high standards of health and safety. These standards will be achieved, so far as is reasonably practicable, by:
- Providing adequate control of health, safety and welfare risks from our work activity which may affect employees or others.
- Consulting with our employees on matters affecting health and safety.
- Providing and maintaining equipment.
- Ensuring safe handling and use of substances.
- Providing information, instruction and supervision for employees.
- Ensuring all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training.
- Preventing accidents and cases of work related ill health.
- Maintaining safe and healthy working conditions.
- Ensuring sufficient funds are available to implement this statement.
- Reviewing and revising this statement as necessary at regular intervals not exceeding 12 months.