The team

Jon Bannon BSc MSc MCIEEM
Jon Bannon BSc MSc MCIEEMDirector

Jon has a comprehensive understanding of UK wildlife legislation and planning policy and is able to offer clients pragmatic and innovative solutions to ecological issues.

He is an effective negotiator with planning authorities and other regulators and has provided guidance to planning authorities faced with reviewing planning applications with challenging ecological issues. His portfolio includes complex projects requiring multiple European Protected Species Licenses and projects that have required assessment under the Habitat Regulations.

Jon is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and has a BSc in Ecology and Biogeography and an MSc in Biodiversity Survey. He is a licensed bat, great crested newt and barn owl worker and is proficient in carrying out a wide range of habitat / protected species surveys. With a background in botany, he also has an expert knowledge of the UK flora.

Previously a Principal Ecologist for a large ecological consultancy, Jon has particular expertise in the housing, road and defence industries.

Tim Buckland BSc MSc MCIEEM
Tim Buckland BSc MSc MCIEEMDirector

Tim has managed the ecological risk for developments ranging from housing extensions to major infrastructure schemes. His in-depth knowledge of legislation and policy allow him to provide shrewd advice to clients, enabling their developments to progress.

Tim has undertaken multiple Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) and his knowledge of the EcIA process allows him to work with clients to reduce the need for surveys and mitigation, and make significant project savings. He has designed bespoke mitigation strategies for large-scale residential developments and has managed large multidisciplinary teams.

Tim is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and has a BSc in Marine Biology and an MSc in Biodiversity Survey. He has a strong understanding of mammal ecology and holds survey licenses for great crested newts, bats, dormice and barn owls.

Prior to setting up babec, Tim worked for several environmental and ecological consultancies where he developed strong relationships with clients in the residential and mineral extraction sectors.

Alex Burrows BSc (Hons) MSc
Alex Burrows BSc (Hons) MScEcologist

Alex joined Babec Ecological Consultants in 2019 after having previously worked as a seasonal ecological field surveyor.

He holds a first-class BSc in Environmental Biology, an MSc by research in Ecology and is a qualifying member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management.

Alex has a  range of experience in undertaking protected species surveys, including those for great crested newts, bats, dormice, reptiles, badgers, water voles and otters. He has also carried out phase 1 habitat surveys and acted as an Ecological Clerk of Works.

Alex holds a Natural England great crested newt survey licence and is currently working towards gaining his dormouse survey licence. He is fascinated by ecological theory and in his spare time likes to keep up to date with the latest ecological research.

Jack Hughes BSc
Jack Hughes BScAssistant Ecologist

Jack joined Babec Ecological Consultants in 2023 after previously working as a reserve assistant for the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust at Arundel Wetland Centre.

He holds a BSc in Biology and has experience in a range of ecological surveys including water voles, reptiles, bats, birds, invertebrates, and orchids.

Jack is a keen birdwatcher who enjoys being in nature and volunteering with local wildlife groups.

Aydan Khan BSc (Hons)
Aydan Khan BSc (Hons)Assistant Ecologist

Aydan joined Babec Ecological Consultants in 2024 after having previously worked as a graduate ecologist and conservationist for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.

He holds a first-class degree in Biology and has experience conducting a variety of ecological surveys, including surveys for birds, reptiles and newts.

Aydan is deeply fascinated by the natural world, evident in his love for naturalist books, nature photography, and filmmaking. He also dedicates his time to volunteering monthly for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, contributing to conservation efforts.