White-clawed crayfish mitigation

If white–clawed crayfish are present on site and their habitat is likely to be affected by the development, appropriate measures will need to be put in place to allow the development to progress. The developer may also need to obtain a licence from the relevant statutory body.
We can design and implement appropriate avoidance and mitigation measures to satisfy the regulators and allow your development to progress.
Where white-clawed crayfish are recorded early in the development process, it may be possible to adopt suitable avoidance measures to ensure that they are not harmed. If this is not possible, it may be necessary to gain a licence from the relevant statutory body (e.g. Natural England). Once a licence is granted, the development can proceed providing the mitigation measures set out within the licence are followed. Where a watercourse needs to be drained, this could include catching white-clawed crayfish as water levels are reduced and moving them to suitable alternative habitat up or downstream.

Babec Ecological Consultants are based in Sussex and Hertfordshire, and provide white-clawed crayfish mitigation across West Sussex, East Sussex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Hampshire, Surrey, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridge, Essex, London and throughout England and Wales. We are happy to give free initial advice and provide an excellent service at competitive rates. Click here to get in touch.